5 Symptoms of a Bad PCM (and Replacement Cost)
The Powertrain Control Module (PCM) is a sophisticated component that receives data from a range of sensors. You can think of it as the primary brain of a vehicle.
If your vehicle has a bad PCM, you can expect to have some serious issues. Below are some common symptoms to help diagnose a faulty powertrain control module as well as the average cost to replace and/or reprogram the PCM.
See Also: 5 Signs of a Bad Body Control Module
What Is a PCM?
As already mentioned, the abbreviation “PCM” stands for powertrain control module. This module is essential to the operation of modern microprocessor-controlled internal combustion engines.
Over the last couple of decades, the singular PCM has largely taken the place of separate ECMs (engine control modules and TCMs (transmission control modules).
The PCM operates off a set of factory parameters, programmed by a vehicle’s manufacturer. Feedback from numerous sensors found throughout a vehicle’s powertrain is relayed to the PCM by wire, where this data is computed into algebraic-type equations, allowing the PCM to command certain output functions.
These variable outputs include long/short-term fuel trims and transmission shift points.
Where Is It Located?
The powertrain control module is most commonly found within a vehicle’s engine bay. In many instances, the PCM will be affixed to the firewall itself, mounted via a set of bolts and rubber isolators to dampen excess vibration.
Alternatively, PCMs can also be found in-cabin, beneath a vehicle’s dash, in some applications.
The PCM is often visually identified as a metallic box that is rectangular in shape, with multiple wiring leads attached by robust connectors. The casing of the average PCM is typically black or silver in color and is 2-3 inches thick. Mounting tabs or ears tend to be located at each respective corner of this casing.
Bad Powertrain Control Module Symptoms
When a vehicle’s PCM begins to fail, a number of secondary symptoms often come to light, some of which can even render a vehicle undriveable altogether. Recognizing these symptoms can prove invaluable when attempting to achieve a timely diagnosis and repair.
Here are several of the most common symptoms associated with a faulty or failing PCM.
#1 – Illuminated Check Engine Light
One of the most likely (and initial) signs signifying a failing PCM is a newly illuminated check engine light. This prominent symptom should be cause for additional concern if this check engine light is attributed to a PCM-related fault such as U0100, P0603, P0606.
The PCM itself may trigger these codes when it detects internal errors or communication failures. In some cases, the check engine light may flicker or intermittently turn on and off, indicating an unstable PCM.
While a check engine light can be caused by hundreds of issues, PCM-related codes are some of the most serious in nature due to the module’s critical role in vehicle operation.
#2 – Failure to Start
Another common issue associated with PCM failure is an inability to start the affected vehicle. Under these circumstances, this symptom generally stems from a lack of fuel injection control from the PCM itself.
When trying to start the vehicle, you may hear the starter motor engage, but the engine won’t turn over. This is because the PCM isn’t sending the necessary signals to initiate the fuel injection process.
Further testing of this system itself would be required to pinpoint an accurate diagnosis.
#3 – Poor Engine Performance
It is also not at all uncommon for a vehicle to perform poorly, in light of a faulty PCM. This often involves a vehicle idling erratically, noticeably hesitating under a load, or consuming fuel at an unpredictable rate.
You may experience a lack of power when accelerating, especially at highway speeds. The engine may misfire or run rough, causing vibrations that can be felt throughout the vehicle. In certain cases, the engine might enter a “limp mode,” where performance is drastically reduced on purpose to prevent engine damage.
#4 – Intermittent Stalling
Yet another symptom of PCM failure is intermittent stalling, especially when coming to a stop at a red light or stop sign. Under such circumstances, your vehicle fails to find idle after your release the accelerator pedal, instead stalling with little explanation.
The stalling may be accompanied by a temporary loss of electrical power to accessories. In some instances, the vehicle may restart immediately after stalling, while in others, it may require several attempts before the engine will run again.
#5 – Erratic Shifting
Since the average PCM also controls transmission function, shift accuracy and acuity can be negatively impacted as well, in the event of PCM failure.
This might lead to premature or noticeably delayed shifts that cause engine RPM to bog or race, depending upon the circumstances in question. You may experience harsh shifts that cause a jolt or thud sensation.
In automatic transmissions, the PCM may fail to engage overdrive, leading to higher RPMs and reduced fuel efficiency at highway speeds.
In manual transmissions, you might notice that the PCM isn’t properly adjusting engine speed during shifts, making smooth gear shifts difficult. In extreme cases, the transmission may become stuck in a single gear, severely limiting the vehicle’s functionality.
PCM Replacement Cost
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The cost of PCM replacement can vary rather significantly from one model of vehicle to the next. However, there is a general cost range for such repairs that bears consideration.
In the bulk cases, you can expect to pay between $750-$1,500 to have your vehicle’s PCM replaced and programmed, with the vast majority of this expenditure being attributed to parts costs alone.
Several variables are at play when determining exactly where you can expect your final bill to tally within this range. The first and most significant of which tends to surround where, exactly, you’re having this type of work completed.
Both labor costs and parts markup are likely to be less when having work completed at a third-party shop, versus at a dealership. Additionally, parts costs are known to be significantly higher for performance cars, or those of a foreign make.
Sometimes you may be able to purchased a used powertrain control module for a couple hundred dollars whether online or from a junk yard, but keep in mind that reprogramming it will be necessary (see below). Additionally, some shops, especially dealerships, may not even allow you to bring in your own replacement parts so it’s best to confirm beforehand if you already have a service center in mind.
Can a PCM Be Repaired?
In some instances, a faulty or failing PCM can be repaired. This can prove to be a viable option when a PCM’s software requires “debugging”, or when an internal connection simply needs to be re-soldered.
Depending upon the type of PCM repair that is required, you can expect to pay somewhere in the range of $100-$350 for this type of service.
It’s worth mentioning, however, that not all PCMs can be repaired, depending upon the type of failure that has occurred. Therefore, it’s important to understand that complete replacement of the PCM itself might be the only viable means of addressing the most complex of PCM issues.
PCM Updates and Reprogramming Cost
Do Windows updates drive you crazy? If so, we have some bad news for you. Your car’s computer, including the PCM and other control modules, may require updates during the years of car ownership.
The PCM uses software to control the systems in the vehicle. It knows that when you’re driving up a steep incline, you need more power, for example.
The programmers will think of every possible problem and program in a solution. Except that, mistakes may be made, a particular issue may develop, or features may need to be added, disabled, or updated.
These software updates are an essential part of keeping your car running optimally. Most often, a manufacturer will issue an update or recall and let the vehicle’s registered owner know a software update is necessary.
These types of updates are almost always free of charge. You will simply have to take your car to the dealership and set aside some time for them to make the updates.
But if you purchased a used PCM as a replacement (usually from a vehicle that was totaled in an accident), you will need to have it reprogrammed for it to be able to work with your specific vehicle.
How much it costs depends on where you’re going for the updates. There are typically no parts involved, so you’re looking at a standard labor charge. Prices could range from $80 to $150, depending on the service location you choose.
The process takes around about half an hour, but keep in mind that most shops charge you for at least one hour of work. PCM reprogramming is also one of the few times we’ll recommend a dealership over an independent repair shop that offers reprogramming as a service.
Can You Still Drive With a Faulty PCM?
Whether or not you will be able to drive with a faulty PCM is largely dependent upon the manner in which the PCM has failed.
In some instances, the failure of a PCM will prevent a vehicle from even starting. In other cases, a vehicle might lag under periods of increased engine demand. Of course, under such circumstances, the vehicle in question could not be driven.
On the other side of the coin, a PCM can fail in a manner that is much more obscure, in terms of effects on driveability. It is possible that you might notice little more than the illumination of their vehicle’s check engine light, with a corresponding communication fault.
Nonetheless, driving should be limited in the event that a faulty PCM is suspected, as further symptoms can always arise with little warning.
Causes of PCM Failure
PCMs are designed to be relatively hearty and are anticipated to perform without issue for the entirety of a vehicle’s service life. However, like any computer-based module, the PCM is not fail-proof.
One of the most common causes of PCM failure is internal contamination via water or dust. This problem was especially prominent in older PCMs that were not sealed from such contamination as securely as they are today.
The average PCM is also subject to electrical failure as the result of component shorting, grounding, or overloading. Pronounced or prolonged charging system issues can be especially damaging to the PCM, as operation above or below the unit’s specified voltage range can strain the integrity of internal circuitry.
I have a 2014 jeep wrangler Rubicon with 48k miles it has been well maintained… I recently started to have a few issues with it starting. So I went and replaced the battery, I start it up and it starts but then lights come on hot oil flashes, battery, check engine light and more and it does. Now it won’t even turn over. I replaced the starter and alternator had them tested and was told they were bad.replaced the ignition switch fuses, relays checked wires grounds. I’m out of ideas any thoughts..
I don’t know. I would start by scanning all of those codes. Do a visual inspection of the engine bay to make sure no wires are severed or disconnected. Check for blown fuses. Take a look at online Jeep forums to see if anyone else has had similar problems, and what their resolution was.
i have a 2016 mazda 3 throwing code p0882 TCM low input between ECM should i replace the ECM first ?
No, don’t start by replacing the ECM. Check the grounds. Some vehicles have bad grounds which can throw codes like this. Poor signal quality or inconsistent power can throw codes like this and interrupt communication between modules.
I have a 2000 Nissan Maxima and it is throwing codes… P0300, P0732, P0505, P1320.
if the computer is fried will the car still run? Also I smell rotten eggs while driving it, but it seems to run better at 60 or 70 mph.
I don’t know. Did all those codes show up at once? They seem like unrelated codes to me.
I have 2010 FORD MUSTANG V6. two ecm’s have been replaced in it and they have not started the vehicle. Can the motor or transmission be replaced on it to fix the issue?
What are the symptoms of the problem? The root cause is probably not the ECM.
Is there a charge?
I am interested in a used car for sale that had the engine replaced and it runs ruff but owner said he was told the computer needed to be reprogramed. I need a dependable vehicle to take my husband to and from medical appts. for his Traumatic brain injury. I am almost 80 & no noting about the workings of vehicles except to gas it up.
I would be skeptical of that vehicle. It would be wise to get a pre-purchase inspection on any used vehicle you buy, whether from a dealer or a private party.
If the seller does not agree to a pre-purchase inspection, walk away and look for a different vehicle. You may have to pay for the cost of the inspection but it is well worth the $150 or so compared to a $6,000 engine, for instance.
I have a 05 focus that was over charging badly so I was going to get a aultinator and the car just died and wouldn’t start or even crank over. We tried jumping it and nothing.. we got the new aultinator on and still nothing by turning the key but when the started got crossed over it cranked just wouldn’t start. We tried running the OBD on it but it wouldn’t even register it to come on.. my friend thinks it’s the ECM , the battery is good, all ground wires have been checked .. what do you think it could be?
Why do you think the vehicle was overcharging?
my transmission was rebuilt 2 dhicle ays later it went into limp mode. 2000 durango 5.9L R/T. I took it to a local transmission shot and ponted out some problems with the repair. drove ir home next day it wouldnt start. Had it towed in to the mechanic who rebuilt the tranny and and said the data link connector is not working and he cant do anything to my vehicle>
used, tested good PCMs can be had for around $500, or used pulls from a junkyard (untested but probably good) for under $100, even under $50 in some cases. PCM programming is often not needed, if it was pulled from same make/model/year vehicle with same engine and tranny. Otherwise, about an hour of shop labor in the $100 to $150 range.
The thing is, a bad PCM is most often diagnosed when a tech can’t find the real problem, or is dishonest and found a cheaper solution and just wants to make a windfall in profit selling a new PCM and sneakily fixes the real problem w/o telling the owner, (aka fraud). PCM failure is not all that common except in extremely hot environments, or if something like an ignition coil or less often, a fuel injector fails to a shorted state. Far, FAR more often, it is just some inexpensive sensor that failed and the customer is duped into paying an extra $600+ when it was just a $20 sensor and 1/2 hour repair.
Tip: If you ever get told your PCM is bad, mark it in a permanent but hard to notice way, so when you ask for your parts back after the repair, you can make sure you’re getting back the PCM you started with, then plug your old PCM back in and see if it works and the mechanic/shop just tried to pull a fast one on you.
I will bet, that far more PCMs are replaced due to incompetence and/or fraud, that due to actual failure. As you might guess, I’ve been doing automotive electrical for a long time.
Thanks Dave, this will be helpful information for a lot of owners.
Replaced my transmission in 2011 Altima and car wont come out of limp mode .what am I missing?
Does the vehicle have any codes you can scan that tell you why it’s in limp mode?
You are missing telling us a lot more details about the situation.
For example, who replaced the transmission and why? If not you, the shop should be responsible for it working correctly when the repair is complete. If it was you, was it a new tranny, or rebuild and certified good, or in an unknown state from the junkyard, possible the reason the vehicle it came from was in the junkyard since Altima trannies are known to fail after X miles as yours did.
Have you hooked up a scan tool and pulled codes? That is usually the first place to start.
The best way to approach such kind of issues is to scan to see if there is any problem code. You can do this with an OBD II scan tool if you are comfortable with fixing your car yourself but if you are not then just check in with a professional.
My son’s car is hard shifting.
We live in Anaheim CA.
Where can we go to get the PCM replaced for cheap?
Too bad the PCM doesnt diagnose itself prior to expensive unnecessary repair bills. Or is it like “One of the quack doctors turned out to be a patient” and it wont tell you what it cant know?
It’s a little like that, yes. However I think many people misdiagnose an electrical issue as a fault with the PCM pretty regularly. It’s often a lot easier to replace a module than to hunt down a short or a bad ground.
My engine recently seized on me and during diagnostic tests everything cleared as ok and it was determined it was the engine failing. After putting in the engine, they say the PCM is out and I have to cover expense on replacement…how does the PCM work before the engine fails and then fail after engine replacement?
What diagnostic tests were performed? It sounds like they misdiagnosed your vehicle, thought it was the engine, then realized it was the PCM after all. I’m not sure.
My car was working fine then the next day CEL flashes on start up. I get codes for high voltage and low voltage on the same components. Is it a PCM or an actual misfire and emissions issue?
I’m not sure, you’ll have to do some testing to figure out the cause of the check engine light. Were the codes just for misfires?
Assuming you mean this is for your O2 sensor(s), it is highly unlikely the PCM is bad, rather it has to be working to read the high and low voltages and far more likely you just need a new O2 sensor, or less common is a wiring short to it, then the question becomes did the O2 sensor just wear out, or does your engine have another problem causing excessive deposts on the sensor to foul it. They do wear out, but an engine burning oil or misfire so unburnt fuel is getting out of the cylinders and burning later to overheat them, is also more common than a PCM fault by far.
I need a pcm for a 1993 ford mustang lx flashed. Can’t find anyone in East Texas that can do it . anybody know of anyone that can help in my area???
Do you do Jaguar
Hi Keith, we are not a shop but may be able to offer general advice and point you in the right direction.
I took my car to auto zone and no code came up but I had a check mark on the device internal and a check mark on the anti lock braking system but I had a x on the power train system so what you think the problem could be
I don’t know. What symptoms are you experiencing, and what is the year, make, and model of your vehicle?